Everything You Should Know About Postpartum Womb Massage

Postpartum Womb Massage

When it comes to postpartum recovery, many aspects vie for attention. Yet, womb recovery remains one of the main concerns. After months of adapting and stretching to accommodate a growing life, the uterus requires dedicated care during the postnatal phase. Among the various methods to aid this recovery, post natal womb massage stands out as an effective and holistic approach to address these specific postnatal concerns.

The Importance of Postpartum Womb Massage

Pregnancy is nothing short of miraculous. As the body undergoes profound physiological transformations to accommodate and nurture a growing fetus, it’s bound to need recuperative care post-delivery. Womb massage serves as a bridge in this transition.

Physiological Adjustments: From the expansion of the uterus, stretching of muscles and ligaments to the shifting of organs, pregnancy changes the body’s landscape. After delivery, the body is left with the task of reverting to its original state, a process that doesn’t happen overnight and can benefit from mild interventions like womb massage.

Aiding Recovery: Just as a regular massage rejuvenates the body and mind, a postpartum womb massage, with its targeted focus, hastens recovery. It catalyzes the natural healing processes, ensuring that the body doesn’t feel ‘left behind’ after the immense work of childbirth.

Holistic Well-being: The postpartum period can be overwhelming. A womb massage isn’t just about physical relief; it’s a ritual that embodies care, attention, and a pause amidst the flurry of new motherhood.

Benefits of Post Natal Womb Massage

Physical Benefits:

Shrinking the Uterus: Childbirth leaves the uterus almost 15 times heavier than its original state. Through improved circulation and lymphatic drainage, massage expedites the uterus’s return to its pre-pregnancy size.

Expulsion of Clots and Lochia: After delivery, the body naturally expels leftover blood and tissue, known as lochia. A womb massage aids this detoxification process by promoting uterine contractions.

Reducing Swelling: Fluid retention is common post-delivery. Massages stimulate fluid movement, alleviating uncomfortable swelling in limbs and abdominal regions.

Organ Re-settlement: Organs like the bladder and intestines, which were displaced during pregnancy, need to revert to their original positions. Massage facilitates this shift.

Emotional and Mental Benefits:

Stress Relief: The soothing rhythm of a massage acts as a counterpoint to the hectic schedule of feeding, diaper changes, and sleepless nights, offering much-needed stress relief.

Mood Elevation: Serotonin and dopamine, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals, get a boost during a massage, aiding in warding off postpartum blues or depression.

Breastfeeding and Bonding: While indirect, the relaxation from a massage can optimise breast milk production. Moreover, a relaxed mother can bond more effectively with her newborn, nurturing the mother-child relationship from the outset.

When is the Right Time to Begin?

The body’s recovery pace varies. For natural births, you may commence any time after 5 days from the delivery date. However, for C-section deliveries, patience is key. 21 days after or even longer may be necessary, ensuring the incision is healed. Always consult with your OB/GYN.

Contraindications to be aware of include infections, high blood pressure, or any post-surgical complications. The golden rule? If in doubt, hold off and seek advice.

Postpartum Womb Massage

Precautions and Considerations

Womb massage is therapeutic, but it requires a gentle approach. Forceful or inappropriate techniques can be counterproductive.

Start Slowly: Especially if self-administered, begin with light pressure, tuning into your body’s feedback.

Heed Warnings: Any discomfort, unusual pain, or excessive bleeding post-massage should be immediate red flags, warranting medical attention.

Medical Consultation: This cannot be stressed enough. Especially in cases with complications or where invasive interventions were used during delivery, a healthcare provider’s advice is paramount.

Personalise: Each body is distinct. Some might prefer deeper pressure, while others might opt for lighter strokes. The massage should be tailored to individual needs.

Tools and Products for Womb Massage

Choosing the right products can elevate the massage experience.

Oils and Lotions: Natural oils, such as grapeseed, coconut, almond, or even specialised postnatal oils infused with herbs, can provide a smooth glide and skin nourishment. Opt for those without additives or fragrances to prevent skin irritations.

Massage Tools: While hands are the most intuitive tools, wooden or stone massagers can be employed for more profound relaxation. Ensure they’re smooth-edged and clean.

Ambience: To deepen relaxation, curate a calm environment. Think muted lights, soft melodies, or perhaps even an aromatherapy diffuser with calming scents like lavender.

Common Misconceptions and Myths

Many misconceptions surround womb massages. Some believe it can lead to internal damage, while others opine it might affect milk production. These are mostly myths. When done correctly, womb massages are safe, and far from reducing, they might even enhance milk production due to relaxation.

Finding Professional Help

A professional touch can often make a difference. When considering therapists for getting a womb massage in Singapore, research their certifications and experience in postpartum care.

At PNSG, our Javanese-style Premium Postnatal Massage and Signature Postnatal Massage are both full-body post natal massage that include womb massage in Singapore.

Performed by our certified therapist in the comfort of your own home, our post natal massage helps you with womb recovery by encouraging the discharge of lochia, as well as the repositioning of pelvic muscles and abdominal organs.

Traditional Javanese Postnatal Womb Massage

In the vibrant tapestry of postnatal healing practices from around the world, Indonesia offers a gem known as the Jamu style postnatal womb massage. A harmonious blend of ancient traditions and tactile therapies, this method serves not only as a recuperative process for new mothers but also as a rite that celebrates the transcendental journey of motherhood.

What is Jamu Style Postnatal Womb Massage?

Originating from the rich cultural heritage of Indonesia, ‘Jamu’ refers to traditional herbal medicine. It encapsulates a holistic approach to health and wellness, covering everything from herbal drinks to massages. Within this context, the Jamu style postnatal womb massage is a specialised therapy designed to help new mothers recover after childbirth.

Postnatal womb massage isn’t unique to Indonesia. Many cultures worldwide have their versions of it, understanding the need to provide care to a mother after she brings life into the world. However, what makes the Jamu style stand out is its intricate incorporation of aromatic herbs, healing touch, and post-massage binding using a “bengkung.”

How Does It Work?

The process of the Jamu massage aims at restoring the body’s balance, realigning the uterus, and encouraging internal healing.

Massage with Aromatic Oils and Herbs: The session usually begins with gentle massage techniques using aromatic oils infused with traditional herbs. These oils and herbs possess properties that promote healing, reduce inflammation, and encourage relaxation. The massage focuses not only on the abdominal area but also the whole body, ensuring the release of muscle tensions developed during pregnancy.

Uterus Alignment: Special attention is given to the womb, guiding it to its natural position. This alignment is crucial as the uterus expands during pregnancy and can sometimes be misaligned during childbirth. Proper alignment can prevent complications and aid in faster recovery.

Lymphatic Drainage: The massage also encourages lymphatic drainage, which can help reduce postnatal water retention, a common issue many new mothers face.

The Role of Binding and Introducing “Bengkung”

Post-massage, the practice of binding takes center stage. This is where the “bengkung” comes into play. A bengkung is a long piece of cloth, traditionally made from soft, breathable fabric. This cloth is meticulously wrapped around the mother’s abdomen, starting from the hips and going up to just under the chest.

Bengkung Binding

Benefits of Bengkung Binding:

Support: It offers physical support to the abdominal muscles, aiding them in their journey back to pre-pregnancy state.

Healing: The gentle compression provided by the bengkung helps to reduce swelling and assists the uterus in shrinking back to its original size.

Warmth: It provides warmth to the abdominal area, ensuring that the healing properties of the herbs used during the massage are locked in.

Spiritual and Emotional Connection: Beyond the physical benefits, bengkung binding serves as a cocoon, offering a sense of security and grounding to the new mother, aligning her physical, emotional, and spiritual being.

At PNSG, our postnatal massage includes belly binding using a customised binder (also known as bengkung). This help to enhance the benefit of our abdomen and belly massage.

The binding will take around 10 minutes. The process will require you to lie down, cross your legs, and our certified therapist will wrap the binder around your waist and tighten it. To ensure comfortability without compromising on the effectiveness, the tightness and fit of the binder will be customised based on your body shape.

As the binder doesn’t cover the breast area, mothers can wear it for long hours without affecting breastfeeding or pumping. We recommend wearing the binder for 6 to 8 hours to achieve better results. The minimum recommended duration to keep the binder on will be at least 2 hours.


Motherhood, beautiful as it is, can be taxing. Postpartum womb massage is like a gentle whisper, reminding mothers to care for themselves while they care for their newborns. As you navigate this new chapter, consider integrating this age-old wisdom into your postnatal journey. It’s not just about recovery; it’s about reverence for the body that brought life into the world.


Q: Is post natal massage after delivery safe for all new mothers?

A: Primarily, yes. But always seek advice from a medical professional, especially after complicated deliveries.

Q: Can I combine womb massage with other postnatal practices?

A: Absolutely. Womb massage can be combined with practices like pelvic floor exercises or general body massages for holistic care.

Q: How frequently should I get a womb massage?

A: This varies, but many women opt for daily massages in the initial weeks, tapering off as they progress in their recovery.

Embrace the goodness of post natal massage and post natal womb massage for your recovery. A little pampering can go a long way in ensuring your well-being as you embrace the joys and challenges of motherhood.

If you’re interested in learning more about our best-selling postnatal massage has to offer, feel free to learn more here. Not only the package includes post natal womb massage, it also comes with special freebies, and massage bed will be prepared for you.

Postnatal Massage Recovery Postnatal Massage Recovery