Healing Touch:  How Postnatal Breast Massage Eases Pain

A mum having breast pain

Becoming a new mother brings with it a rush of joy and excitement, but it also ushers in some challenges, particularly concerning physical and emotional recovery. One of the lesser-discussed aspects of postnatal recovery is the discomfort many women experience with their breasts as they begin breastfeeding. Breast engorgement, blocked milk ducts, and tenderness is common issues that can make the beautiful act of nursing painful and stressful. However, there’s a soothing remedy that has been gaining attention for its effectiveness and gentleness—postnatal breast massage. This practice not only helps in alleviating pain but also enhances the breastfeeding experience for both mother and baby.

The Importance of Postnatal Breast Massage

Postnatal breast massage is a technique used to soothe the discomforts associated with the postpartum period and the early days of breastfeeding. The primary goal is to reduce breast engorgement, improve milk flow, prevent clogging, and relieve sore muscles around the breast. This gentle, therapeutic massage helps to soften the breast, making it easier for the baby to latch properly. It can also significantly ease the milk flow, thus reducing pain and discomfort.

Breast massage is typically done using soft, gentle strokes towards the nipple from the base of the breast. It can be performed by the nursing mother or a trained professional. This massage not only helps in physical terms by promoting circulation and lymphatic drainage but also offers psychological benefits, providing a sense of relief and nurturing care during a vulnerable time.

The Benefits of Postnatal Breast Massage

Improved Lactation and Breast Health

  • Stimulation of Milk Production: Breast massage stimulates the nerves within the breast, promoting prolactin production. Prolactin is a hormone crucial for milk production, so regular massage can help maintain or increase milk supply.
  • Prevention of Blocked Ducts: Massage helps to keep the milk flowing freely, reducing the likelihood of blocked ducts, which are not only painful but can lead to infections or mastitis if untreated.
  • Enhanced Absorption of Nutrients in Milk: Massage may improve circulation within the breast tissue, helping to better absorb nutrients into the milk, providing more nourishment to the baby.

Physical Relief and Recovery

  • Reduce Breast Engorgement: Engorgement occurs when the breasts are painfully overfull of milk. Breast massage can help express excess milk, relieving discomfort and making it easier for mothers to continue breastfeeding.
  • Promote Circulation of Lymphatic Drainage: The breast consists of many lymph vessels that support immune system functioning. Massage helps in lymphatic drainage, which can reduce swelling and improve immune responses.

Psychological and Emotional Benefits

  • Stress Reduction: Touch and physical therapy, such as breast massage, can decrease cortisol levels—the stress hormone—promoting a more relaxed state that benefits both mother and child.
  • Bonding with the Baby: Mothers who experience less discomfort during breastfeeding are more likely to feel positive about their bonding time with their baby, enhancing emotional connections.
  • Empowerment and Confidence: Breast massage can empower mothers to feel more in control of their breastfeeding experience and bodily health, boosting their confidence and overall satisfaction.

Integrating postpartum breast massage into the regular care routine can significantly enhance the breastfeeding experience by addressing physical, emotional, and physiological aspects of postpartum recovery. This holistic approach not only aids in quicker recovery but also supports the long-term health and well-being of both mother and baby.

Therapist massaging breast area

The Role of Professional Support

Professional support can be invaluable for those new to breastfeeding or those experiencing breast pain issues. Postnatal therapists are trained to assist with effective breast massage while providing breastfeeding techniques to new mums. They are also able to emotional support to uplift new mothers’ moods, contributing to their emotional recovery. 

It’s also important for mothers to communicate their comfort levels and any specific pains or concerns with their therapist to make the most of each session. Techniques can vary from light to deeper pressure, depending on individual preference and the mother’s physical condition.

If you’re seeking trained therapists, PNSG provides postnatal breast massage in Singapore that can be personalised to suit the unique needs of each new mother, focusing on reducing discomfort and enhancing milk production. They can provide guidance tailored to a mother’s specific needs, ensuring that the massage is both effective and comforting.


Postnatal breast massage is a powerful tool in the world of post-birth recovery techniques. It not only addresses physical ailments like breast engorgement and blocked ducts but also supports emotional well-being.

By integrating breast massage into your postpartum care routine, you can alleviate some of the common discomforts of breastfeeding, making the journey more comfortable and joyful for you and your baby. 

Remember, you don’t have to navigate this path alone; consider reaching out to a PNSG or lactation consultant to guide you through the journey of postnatal care. Your health and comfort are crucial for your own recovery and also for the well-being of your newborn.

Postnatal Massage Recovery Postnatal Massage Recovery