How Massage Helps With Your Postnatal Recovery

How Massage Helps With Your Postnatal Recovery - PNSG

After childbirth, your baby is likely to be your priority, but taking care of your body during the postpartum period is important too.

Postpartum care involves eating right, getting sufficient rest, and paying attention to the womb and vaginal care.

One way of having proper postpartum care is by pampering yourself with postnatal massages.

What is postnatal massage and how does it help with your postnatal recovery? Find out from this quick guide.

What is Postnatal Massage?

Postnatal massage is a full-body massage that is dedicated to new mothers after delivery, and it is suitable for mothers who gave birth naturally or by caesarean delivery. The massage is effective in helping moms recover from childbirth and regain their pre-pregnancy figure. On top of its healing benefits, in-home postnatal massage is popular among new mothers due to its convenience.

Postnatal massage soothes your whole body including your calves, spine area, abdomen area, breasts, arms, shoulder, neck, and head. At Post Natal Massage Singapore, your postnatal massage will last for 60 minutes and end with a 15-minute tummy binding session to give you the best results.

Benefits Of Postnatal Massage

1. Relieve water retention

Swelling is a common occurrence during and after pregnancy. This happens when the body retains extra water to ease carrying the baby and the whole delivery ordeal, and the water can remain in the body even after childbirth. It can be very uncomfortable and it makes daily activities like standing and walking annoyingly thanks to the discomfort. 

A great way to gain some relief would be to massage the swollen areas, typically the legs and feet. You don’t need to get professional services, and can just perform it yourself at the comfort of your own bed with simple strokes and moving of your legs and feet. However, a massage by a professional can do wonders and make you feel just so comfy as all you need to do is lie on the bed and enjoy getting relaxed. The best part, by relieving the swelling, you get to effectively tone up your body too. Hence, most mothers consider postnatal massage like a slimming massage Singapore therapy that helps them with weight loss and toning the body after giving birth.

2. Promote better sleep

Sleep is almost like a privilege after the baby is born. Needing to cater to a baby’s every need, is exhausting and rewarding, and yet, the fulfilment from that is not enough to power through sleep deprivation. With proper, restful sleep, your body will be able to destress and be relieved of tiredness. And a massage can help with that. The kneading of flesh around the shoulders, tummy, arms, thighs, and just all over the body helps to release some burden and tension while also promoting blood circulation, both of which allow for a good night’s sleep and better bodily functions.

3. Improve lactation

Breastfeeding may seem straightforward enough; just bring your baby to your nipple and he will latch on and feed. But no. While that is the ideal case scenario, there are many worries that breastfeeding mothers face, mainly the amount of breast milk she produces. And guess what? Massages are able to help with that. If you’re looking to get a lactation massage Singapore service does offer this as part of their postnatal massages, which is a breast massage. What it does is lower a breastfeeding mother’s stress hormones, improve her blood circulation, and help with engorgement, all of which aid in increasing milk supply. Breast engorgement and clogged ducts are common issues faced by almost all breastfeeding moms. Postnatal massage includes a breast massage that helps you improve blood circulation, relieve engorgement and blocked ducts, and encourage smoother milk flow.

4. Speed up womb recovery

The womb goes through a lot throughout pregnancy, labour, and childbirth. As the health of the womb has a significant impact on a woman’s well-being, it is extremely important to get it back on track quickly after delivery. With a good postnatal massage that includes a womb massage, the womb is stimulated to work toward recovery, pelvic muscles and abdominal organs are repositioned, and lochia is encouraged to be discharged. 

Lochia, or postpartum bleeding, is the vaginal discharge that contains blood and bodily fluids, and is of a mucusy texture, much like menstruation blood, that is released through the vagina after childbirth over the next few weeks. While it is different for every woman, rest and lower stress levels can help with it, as being too stressed can cause increased discharge. So, with a postnatal massage, relaxation and destressing are two other outcomes that could also help with womb recovery.

5. Tone Your Body Back Into Shape

Regaining your pre-pregnancy body is not as hard as you think. Postnatal massage helps to tone your body, especially around your tummy and thighs.

The kneading, rubbing, and pressing of postnatal massage help you to reduce water retention, as well as burn body fat faster by improving blood circulation.

6. Reduce Stress & Improve Sleep Quality

Your mental health after childbirth is just as important as your physical health. After your baby is born, you are likely to experience a drop in sleep length and sleep quality. Postnatal massage is great in helping you to de-stress, relax, and sleep better.

Better Sleep After Massage - PNSG

So how long after giving birth can you get a massage? This depends on whether you give birth naturally or through caesarean delivery.

For natural birth, you can start your postnatal massage after 5 days from your delivery date. Meanwhile, for caesarean delivery, you may start getting postnatal massage after 21 days from labour.

That said, every mom’s body is different. If you feel uncertain about whether you’re ready for postnatal massage, you may seek advice from medical professionals before you start.

How Frequent Can I Get Postnatal Massage?

The frequency of the postnatal massage you get can influence your end result. In order to best reap the benefits of postnatal massage, you are recommended to get your massage done consecutively.

Before commencing your massage, you may plan your daily schedule in advance to avoid your sessions being interrupted.

How Many Sessions Of Postnatal Massage Should I Get?

There are no fixed rules on how many sessions of postnatal massage a mother should take, and you can decide on the number of sessions that works best for you.

As a rule of thumb, the more sessions you get, the more significant your results will be. At PNSG, you can choose between seven sessions or ten sessions based on your personal preference and availability.

The Takeaway

A positive postpartum experience is beneficial for your long-term physical and mental health.

Incorporating some form of massage post natal therapy in your post-delivery care is a great way to help you recover properly.

Ready to see and feel the difference for yourself? Well, no need to keep Googling “massage mom” or “post-delivery body massage near me” and head on over to our homepage to book your postnatal massage with us today!

When Can You Start Postnatal Massage?

So how long after giving birth can you get a massage? This depends on whether you give birth naturally or through caesarean delivery.

For natural birth, you can start your postnatal massage after 5 days from your delivery date. Meanwhile for caesarean delivery, you may start getting postnatal massage after 21 days from labour.

That said, every mom’s body is different. If you feel uncertain about whether you’re ready for postnatal massage, you may seek advice from medical professionals before you start.

How Frequent Can I Get Postnatal Massage?

The frequency of the postnatal massage you get can influence your end result. In order to best reap the benefits of postnatal massage, you are recommended to get your massage done consecutively.

Before commencing your massage, you may plan your daily schedule in advance to avoid your sessions being interrupted.

How Many Sessions Of Postnatal Massage Should I Get?

There are no fixed rules on how many sessions of postnatal massage a mother should take, and you can decide on the number of sessions that works best for you.

As a rule of thumb, the more sessions you get, the more significant your results will be. At PNSG, you can choose between seven sessions or ten sessions based on your personal preference and availability.

The Takeaway

A positive postpartum experience is beneficial for your long-term physical and mental health.

Incorporating some form of massage post natal therapy in your post-delivery care is a great way to help you recover properly.

Ready to see and feel the difference for yourself? Well, no need to keep Googling “massage mom” or “post delivery body massage near me” and head on over to our homepage to book your postnatal massage with us today!

Postnatal Massage Recovery Postnatal Massage Recovery