All to Know About Breastfeeding: Challenges & Causes

All to Know About Breastfeeding: Challenges & Causes - PNSG

The journey of a mother is not always easy, but we know you have been giving it your best and that is all that matters! You had made it through delivery and now you are committed to producing breast milk for your little one. However, the first few days of breastfeeding might be tough and challenging. These are some common difficulties you may face throughout the journey of breastfeeding.

Breast Engorgement

Breast engorgement is when your breasts get too full of milk and become hard rock. They may feel hard, tight, and painful. It usually happens in the early days of breastfeeding journey when your baby is still getting used to breastfeeding. It may take a few days for your milk supply to match your baby’s needs.

Other than that, if you go too long between feedings, engorgement might happen. It can also occur when your baby starts having solid foods and not feeding so frequently.

Leaking Breasts

During the first few days of breastfeeding, leaking breasts are common. This is because your breasts are too full and they need to release some pressure to avoid other breastfeeding difficulties such as breast engorgement and blocked milk ducts.

Sometimes, when you are breastfeeding your baby, it is quite common that the other side of your breast may leak. You can use various nursing tools like Haakaa Silicone Breast Pump from MumChecked to collect breast milk from the other side when breastfeeding your baby.

Another interesting fact is that you may leak when you hear your baby or even when you think of your baby!


Mastitis also is known as inflammation of the breast tissue. The symptoms including fever, fatigue, and pain in your breasts. It can be caused by blocked milk ducts, engorgement, or cracked nipples. Bacteria can enter your breasts via cracked nipples and causing breast sore and flu-like symptoms.

Blocked Milk Ducts

If breast engorgement continues, it may lead to blocked milk ducts. You will know you have blocked milk ducts when you can feel a painful lump in your breast. Another common reason causing blocked milk ducts includes your baby not latching properly, resulting in some amount of breast milk left behind. In combatting this issue, it is also recommended for you to use a breastfeeding-friendly bra. Choose the right size of bras without underwire. Extra pressure on your breasts will lead to blocked milk ducts.

Poor Milk Supply

Your breast milk supply depends on your baby’s needs. The more you nurse or pump, the more milk your body would produce. However, there is more than one factor that can affect the milk supply. Learn what is happening to your body so you can understand your condition better and will not end up feeling guilty for producing less milk.

Sore and Burning Nipples

Along the breastfeeding journey, moms will most likely experience sore, cracked nipples. It usually happens because your baby is not latching well. Both you and your baby are learning and adapting to breastfeeding, therefore it is one of the most common difficulties in breastfeeding.

Expressing breast milk using a breast pump is common. The breast pump acts as an artificial latch to stimulate the production of breast milk. However, improper use of the breast pump may lead to other issues such as cracked nipples, such as if the pump suction is too high or pump shields are too big or too small.

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Why is postpartum massage important for breastfeeding moms? A professional well-trained therapist knows the right treatment and massage techniques to tackle common breastfeeding difficulties like breast engorgement and blocked milk ducts. They are not only helping you to get pre-pregnancy body shape back but also help to reduce the discomforts of breastfeeding difficulties. Reach out to us and let us help support you on your breastfeeding journey!

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